Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Am I pregnant, or what?!

I am just about 18 weeks and I don't really have a "bump" yet. That is almost 5 months pregnant!! Some days I think I look pregnant, those days are usually days where I have eaten a lot, and other days I just don't think I look pregnant at all. I am definitely thicker in my stomach, but I am really looking forward to having an actual bump. I feel like I have been stuck in this awkward in between stage with my body for the last few months. I don't feel comfortable in tight shirts, but I can still button up most my pre-pregnancy shorts and pants. The worst is when I get dressed for work. I am supposed to wear tighter clothing so when I am showing clients how to do certain movements they can see my body, but in most outfits I think it looks like I have a serious beer gut. I have told some clients I am expecting, but I don't just want to announce it in my classes so some of them are probably thinking I have been over indulging in doughnuts the last few months.
Here are pictures of me this morning when I got home from work, where I was feeling not so pregnant. When did you start "looking" pregnant?


  1. Be VERY grateful that you arent showing yet! It means you wont have a ginormously huge tummy later on! Youll pop and have the CUTEST little bump ever. I was SOO jealous when my girlfriends had small tummies! Its a GOOD thing! You look great girl! I completely understand the weird stage of not have a belly yet. Mine popped too fast and i immediately got stretch marks =(

  2. The first one always takes longer to show - I started showing around 6 months with Shae ... and with Ava? I think I was showing from the moment of conception!!

    It will come soon friend, and you will LOVE it!! I hope you are feeling well and rubbing that belly even if it is still tiny :)
