Today was Charlie's allergy test. They pricked his back 12 times with different allergens such as dust mites, cats, and most importantly egg white and egg yoke. After they pricked him they waited 15 minutes to see what reactions he had. Well I'll let you guess which ones were egg!
Right after the test
Holy cow this little man is seriously allergic to egg. Poor thing. The tests were done at a clinic that could only tell us to avoid egg until our doctor receives the report and calls us. We will meet with her to discuss how to deal with the situation. He was surprisingly a great patient for the test, the nurse kept telling him what a great baby he was. Thankfully he only cried very briefly on the 9th prick or so. I hate seeing him in pain, but he just breezed through the day like a champ.
Poor Charlie :( My brother had this done when he was little (4 I think)... what a champ for getting through that!