Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Whats been going on?

-Sam and Michael were in town all last week. They sadly left Saturday after a fabulous week here. Justin and Michael were able to get some good bonding time in, and Sam and I loved having lots of sissy time. They both loved Charlie (of course!) and each day they both grew more comfortable with handling him and just being around a baby. We cooked, juiced, worked out, went out, walked and did lots of relaxing. One day Sam and I were sitting on the guest bed watching Real Housewives of New York and I was feeding Charlie, and I just looked over at her and smiled. It was perfection. There was nowhere else I wanted to be, my favorite trashy tv program (pathetic I know) my baby and my sister....haha. But seriously, the little moments like that are what I miss most about being away from my sister. Just normal everyday hanging out. I miss her all the time. You can see more pictures of their trip here.

-I joined a new mother's group. It is 10 women all with babies under 3 months old. We meet every Thursday for a few hours and discuss all sorts of things. It is so reassuring to be around a group of woman all going through the same issues and struggles. We are able to share stories, get advice and just have mom chat. I don't have a lot of "mom" friends so this has been wonderful for me.

-Before Charlie was here, I thought I would want to go back to work in May. That is two weeks away, and it couldn't be further from my mind. The idea of waking up to an alarm or stressing about getting anywhere on time sounds like a nightmare, I am always running late these days. Getting out of the house isn't the same that it used to be. Needless to say, I'll be taking at least another month off to adjust to mommyhood and enjoy Charlie boy.

-I discovered scones last week. Yep, scones! I had never tried them before. I always thought they were hard and crunchy and didn't think that was appetising, but no my friends they are buttery soft delicious clouds of goodness. How have I not tried them sooner?

-I started bootcamp again last night! I found this bootcamp shortly after moving to Singapore almost 4 years ago, and had to stop when I started teaching pilates because I would work during the same hours. I was in the best shape when I was doing it though. We meet twice a week and do all sorts of fun exercises, what I like most is that we workout outside which is so much more fun than doing a gym class inside. I am looking forward to having this back in my life, and I only have a little over 6 weeks till my half marathon so this will help with my stamina.

-Charlie turned two months old last Friday! Where does the time go? Even Charlie couldn't believe it when I told him.


  1. histerical post... especially that last picture. michael just said he looks like winston churchill here. amazing. oh, and i teared up when i read about our moment in the guestroom. pure blissful romance.
