Thursday, March 24, 2011

Fuss pot

Charlie's new nickname is Mr. Fuss Pot! He has been fussy at night once it hits about 5pm, he just only is happy being held. You can't even think about putting him down. Now I don't mind cuddling my sweet boy, but when you have laundry to fold and dinner to cook it can be a bit annoying. So the solution you ask? Baby Bjorn! One of my clients who I have become friends with gave me a bunch of baby things when I told her I was pregnant. She has three kids and is quite the expert at parenting as well as having tons of stuff to pass down to me. One of the invaluable things she gave me was my Baby Bjorn. This has been a lifesaver with Charlie. He stays so calm in it, I was able to cook dinner with no issues last night.
I made a fish salad recipe that is delicious and super healthy. It is one of Giada's recipes, I love her but Justin says you can't trust a skinny chef so he is not normally a big fan of hers. But we both love this salad and it has been a no fail meal with guests as well. You can get the recipe here - I follow it exactly except I sometimes use snapper or cod fish and I add avocado. The dressing is delish!

1 comment:

  1. Yay, baby wearing! Lilah is 10 months and I still put her on my back in the Ergo on our "fussy" days. Keep it up! There are so many benefits to wearing your baby! xo
