Friday, March 5, 2010

Happy Birthday Justin!

Yesterday was Dus's* birthday!!! It was a very stressful week for my hubby. He had clients in town from Denmark that have expressed interest in buying into his company. The build up to them coming was quite taxing on him, and then he was entertaining all week, meetings everyday, late dinners and so on. I wanted to do some extra things to celebrate since I knew it had been a long week. He was out till late Thursday night with them, so I decorated the house with a ton of balloons and hung a birthday sign. Which by the way, I have not blown up a balloon in I don't know how many years and forgot its not easy!! I hurt my jaw blowing those things up.

The first gift I gave him was a new tennis racket! We have been taking lessons weekly since we moved here, and he never bought a nice racket for himself. So he was presently surprised to find a new one wrapped in a bow before heading down to our lesson that morning!

It was a great lesson, and his new racket worked like a charm but it was so so HOT playing for 2 hours!! According to my tennis coach Gary, Singapore is expected to go through the hottest and driest few months in 100 years (that could have been slightly over exaggerated by him, but his words not mine). After tennis, we had breakfast and he opened a few other gifts from me. Some new shirts, books, his favorite face lotion, and gardening tools - yes we now harvest our own chilies and limes (recipes to come soon) and have quite a collection of plants and flowers on our balconies.

He had dinner with his clients last night but they finished early so we were able to meet for celebratory drinks after.

I should have some exciting news to share about us and the future of his company soon!!! Have a good weekend. xo

*in case you were wondering, I refer to Justin as Dus frequently. I have a few other nicknames that I use often but he does need to maintain some street cred so I'll leave those out.

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