So I have been slacking on getting my camera out the last few days! Sorry!! I need to keep it out because there are so many cute moments I want to remember. Charlie makes the most funny faces, if you know Justin he is well known for the faces he can make and Charlie seems to be a good contender on this front. I know the smiles are not intentional yet, but he makes the cutest gummy smiles that quickly turn to a grunt or frown. And he makes the sweetest little noises when he is tired or well fed. I just love him, he makes me laugh already.
We had quite the active weekend for having a week old son. We had doctor appointments for our weekly check ups, which Charlie and I passed with flying colors. We met up with several friends, had a picnic by the pool, went to a birthday party! Let me tell you, I was exhausted last night! I need to take the next couple of days a little easier and just relax.
We are all still doing well. The first week is definitely a getting to know each other phase. Justin and I are also adjusting to the changes of having a baby around, and how our relationship needs to still balance. It is all a learning process, but I think we are holding it together pretty well. Here are a few pics to hold you over and I promise to take more in the coming days!
Nana and Charlie chillaxin
In between doc appointments on Friday we hung out at Starbucks for a bit. Charlie needed to be fed while we were there, and even though I didn't know how I would feel about feeding him in pubic it was actually really easy and comfortable to do. Look at his little feet hanging out.And Nana again cuddling with Charlie boyAnd to leave you, here is Charlie having a nap with Daddy Dus, he is as content and cute as can be!